Distributing offline content via TV broadcast
MEDIACAST is a technology which enables transmitting of digital media such as video, audio, imagery or files to end users via television broadcast or IP multicast networks. This is also known as filecasting or datacasting. The content is distributed via existing TV broadcast, which makes it available everywhere, even where no other internet network is available (e.g. rural areas).
MEDIACAST provides efficient use of broadcast bandwidth. The same content (media) dedicated to multiple users (even when millions) is transmitted only once, rather than via high number of unicast (point-to-point) internet connections.
On top of the regular multicast IP solutions, MEDIACAST provides the following additional functionalities:
Reliable delivery of content
MEDIACAST uses an innovative and highly efficient way to prevent any interruptions of the transmission to occur. Along with sending content, it also sends auto-repair codes (forward error correction – FEC). When an interruption of signal occurs for any user, these codes are able to fill the missing part of the content so that the content is received with no loss. Our innovative technology of the auto-repair codes enables auto repairs of even very large files (>2GB). Thanks to that MEDIACAST can recover even several dozen minutes of lost signal.
Addressability of individual clients
With MEDIACAST broadcasters can address individual end users. This makes it easy for them to control access to content and billing of the individual users.
The content transmitted via MEDIACAST is encrypted for content protection and security requirements. The encryption keys can be distributed in advance or on demand.
Application fields
Content distribution to digital signage
Price list distribution to groceries / shops
Blacklist distribution to ATMs
Push video on demand (VOD)
Advertisements distribution to TV transmitters for SFN Boost AD
Newsfeeds distribution
Content delivery networks (CDN) content distribution
Content distribution to infokiosk
Distance Education
Antivirus updates
Key features
Supports 1-way and 2-way networks
Positive and negative acknowledgments:
- Positive acknowledgement – server expects notice about successful delivery predefined time. If it is not received it is deemed as undelivered.
- Negative acknowledgment (NACK) – user devices inform server about exact missing packets.
Optimizes bandwidth usage when MEDIACAST is transmitted via multiple satellites (or other networks). It protects the operator from large bandwidth waste.
MEDIACAST client can be implemented in variety of devices:
- TV set-top box (STB)
- PC, laptops, servers
- Mobile phones
- Tablets
Applicable to any digital television standard:
- Includes satellite (DVB-S2 and DVB-S), terrestrial (DVB-T, DVB-T2, ATSC, ATSC-M/H, ISDB-T and ISDB-T (Tb)) and cable (DVB-C and DVB-C2) or multicast IP networks
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